Nov 8, 2012

2013 TeamSeagrass dates now open for sign up!

Ready for more seagrassy adventures? We're heading into Year Six of seagrass monitoring!
Looking forward to MORE monitoring fun at Pulau Semakau, Chek Jawa and Cyrene Reef.

What are some of the recent outcomes from TeamSeagrass?

Siti is working hard on analysing the data that TeamSeagrass has been gathering these past years. These provide baseline data especially for three important Singapore marine sites: Chek Jawa, Pulau Semakau and Cyrene Reef. Once analysed, the data will be publicly posted on the Seagrass-Watch site, allowing seagrass workers in Singapore and around the world, a basis for management and further study of Singapore's shores.

In 2012, I've restarted monitoring Labrador, Sentosa and Berlayar Creek mostly on my own as they are easy to do. Sadly, the situation of 'chomped' Enhalus acoroides on Cyrene Reef and other southern shores have not improved in the past year.

We continue to encounter dugong feeding trails in surprising places in 2012. Siti spotted them on Cyrene Reef in Apr. I spotted them at various locations from Changi in Aug to Pulau Sekudu in Oct, while Len and Rudi pointed them out at Terumbu Pempang Laut, a submerged reef near Pulau Hantu, in May. Lots more about dugongs in Singapore in an article in the Seagrass-Watch magazine.
In 2012, TeamSeagrass also participated in several outreach events including the massive Biodiversity Festival in May when veteran seagrassers like Sankar got to show the President some live seagrasses from our shores! As well as hundreds of people who visited the booth over the busy two days.
The team continue to give public talks about seagrasses such as Siti's talk at Green Drinks in August.

Siti also held a free Singapore seagrass workshop in July where participants from government, academia and the public learnt the basics about seagrass biology, ecology and threats.
The work of TeamSeagrass continues to be featured in recent publications like the new edition Semakau Book as well as of course in the Seagrass Watch magazine.

Thank you for five fabulous years!
I managed to stay sane doing TeamSeagrass only with the support of Rachel and Wei Ling at National Biodiversity Centre, NParks and Siti at NUS. We also welcome Nor Aishah as one of the volunteers managing TeamSeagrass.

The work could not have been done without the support of a small group of regular and long-time volunteers. Their regular attendance and patient support not only ensures good monitoring but also allows us to continuously take on new volunteers. These stalwarts patiently teach the new ones and keep everything going smoothly during a field trip. Thank you!

Special thanks also to Sheryl of Merck for keeping the Tuas monitoring going on through all these years with volunteers from Merck.

And not forgetting Len and Rudi at Seagrass-Watch for their constant advice and encouragement.

While it would have been possible to monitor Singapore's seagrasses with a small team, from the beginning, it was decided to establish a volunteer base through TeamSeagrass. The aim is to provide a wider range of  ordinary people the opportunity to make a difference for Singapore's marine biodiversity and see first hand, some of Singapore's best shores.

It takes effort to keep the Team going! Many thanks to the many people who make this possible!

Monitoring dates for 2013 are listed here.

Those already on the team can sign up for these dates on the teamseagrass yahoo group.

Not yet a member?
To join the team, simply send the following details
(a) your full name
(b) your age
(c) your email address
(d) your contact number
(e) any previous experience
to Ria at, please put "TeamSeagrass" in your subject header.

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