Indoor Orientation
13 Jan 07 (Sat) 2pm-5pm
19 Jan 07 (Fri) 7.30pm –10pm
Field Orientation
20 Jan (Sat): Chek Jawa depart Changi Village jetty 1600hrs end 2000hrs
21 Jan (Sun): Pulau Sekudu depart Changi Village jetty 1730hrs end 2030hrs
More on how to get there on Watch Locations
Only those who have attended the Indoor Orientation will be allowed to attend the Field Orientation. This is for your safety. You will only need to attend one Indoor Session.
We hope to get ready for Real Watch sessions when the super low tides start in Mar 07!
Here's what happened at the last Indoor Orientation session for the Sentosa transect
Indoor Orientation Programme
13 Jan 07 (Sat)/19 Jan 07 (Fri)
2pm/7.30pm: We got seagrass meh? by Ria
Introduction to the shores we're going to monitor and other surprising things about your shores
2.15pm/7.45pm: Seagrass Science by Siti
Introduction to seagrasses, identification, recording techniques
3.15pm/8.45pm: Break
3.30pm/9pm: Seagrass Samba by everyone
Practice setting up, try out the monitoring methods and taking photos. Usually results in a quite a dance-about as we figure things out :-)
4.45pm/9.45pm: Seagrass Safety by Ria
Safety and logistics: getting there and back in one piece--both you and the seagrasses.
5pm/10pm: End
Venue: NParks Peirce Road Multi-Purpose Hall, Peirce Road Depot
Peirce Road off Holland Road
(near the place where they sell durians in the carpark)

Getting there by public transport
1) From Orchard MRT Station, go to the bus stop at Orchard Boulevard
2) Buses to take: 77, 174, 106, 123, 7
3) Get off at the third bus stop AFTER the Gleneagles Hospital/Botanic Gardens bus stop
4) From the bus stop walk towards the traffic light and you will see the signboard at Peirce Road that says National Parks Board. The entrance to the Depot is about 200m down Peirce Road on your left.
Please BE PUNCTUAL so we can start on time and end on time. Punctuality is critical in all TeamSeagrass activities as they are tide dependent. And time and tide waits for no one :-)
Bring a note-book to take notes during the session.
Sign up for TeamSeagrass
(a) your full name
(b) your age
(c) your email address
(d) your contact number
(e) any previous experience in field work, outdoor nature activities, volunteering in nature work, with which groups? (it's OK if you don't have any)
(f) Which Indoor Orientation session will you attend?
(g) Which Field Orientation sessions will you attend?
to Ria at
(pls put "teamseagrass" in the subject line, this email gets a lot of spam)
Please read the FAQs on TeamSeagrass before emailing me questions.