Seagrass-Watch News Mar 08 (Issue 32 2008) has lots of fascinating articles!
There's good news!

"While recent publications from around the world are reporting significant human impacts on marine ecosystems, the seagrasses of northern Australia, in particular northern Queensland, appear to contradict the global trend".
and in the Philippines...seagrass monitoring makes a difference in the setting up of protected areas!

"Four years after the baseline survey for seagrass in Roxas, Palawan was conducted, two marine protected areas with core seagrass areas in Caramay and Johnson Island have been established."
Closer to home...seagrass monitoring is a critical part of efforts to conserve Sungei Pulau Wetland.

And at home...our work is also featured in the Newsletter!

For Seagrassers who've always wanted to learn more about the icky stuff that grows on our seagrasses, find out all about them epibionts!

and lots more too!!
Download the newsletter from the Seagrass-Watch site.