TeamSeagrass gathered today to celebrate our second anniversary of monitoring, and catch up about our shores and seagrasses.

And here are the happiest seagrassers on the team, their name tags say it all.

Volunteers came early to set up the registration counter, arrange the gifts, put up the posters, and do up an amazing guestbook! Thanks everyone who helped!

The fantastic guestbook (done by Siti Nurbaya) was really too inviting to ignore and we enthusiastically shared our thoughts about being on the Team (see the next post).

..while the rest of us are busy putting last minute touches to the programme.
After Ria does a quick introduction to our shores and threats to them as well as a brief history of TeamSeagrass, Siti presented more of the Science of Seagrasses.

Including some preliminary findings.

In order to better understand the trends, we will have to monitor for at least three years. We're nearly there!

Then it was time for the Seagrass Game Show! Where we learn more about seagrasses and monitoring in a fun way. Here's some of us figuring out how to tell sediments.

The highlight of the Game was the 10m dash where for the first time, lines are allowed to cross!

We practice measuring ST grass (made out of strips of newspapers...haha).

It's much easier learning with this truly dry run.

And it was fabulous that the more experienced Team members took much time to share and explain the processes. Thank you!
Then we had a quick brainstorming session to think about the future of TeamSeagrass.

There was a team to discuss research issues.

And several other teams discussing TeamSeagrass' identity and outreach issues.

The teams were so intent on discussion that we had a hard time getting them to break for tea!

After a quick and yummy tea break (thank you Dawn for arranging it!) we shared some of our thoughts.

Some had really impressive charts! Many good ideas were shared and we hope to be able to do more for our beloved seagrasses in the coming year! More details will be sent to team members via the mailing list.
Thanks to everyone for coming, sharing and supporting our seagrasses! See you all at the next monitoring session.
Special thanks to those who came to help earlier: Charmaine, Dawn, Andy, Gaytri, Jerald, Marcus Tay and Marcus Ng, Siti Nurbaya, Vyna; and all the experienced seagrassers who came and shared with the newer ones.